{% if metafield.namespace == "specs" and metafield.key == "year" %} {% assign specs_year = metafield.value %} {% endif %} {% if metafield.namespace == "specs" and metafield.key == "width" %} {% assign specs_size = metafield.value | append: '" x' %} {% endif %} {% if metafield.namespace == "specs" and metafield.key == "height" %} {% assign specs_size_2 = metafield.value | append: '"' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ product.title | escape }}
Size: {{ specs_size }} {{ specs_size_2 }}
Item Type: {{ product.product_type }}
Year: c.{{ specs_year }}
{% comment %} This Template contains a few variables built from the client js side {% endcomment %} {% assign removePriceDecimal = false -%} {% assign decimalDelimiter = '' -%} {% assign withoutTrailingZeros = false -%} {% assign showCentAsSuperscript = false -%} {% assign money_format = request.money_format -%} {% assign showSavingDisplay = false -%} {% assign minPrice = product.price_min | times: 1.0 -%} {% assign maxPrice = 0 -%} {% if product.price_max -%} {% assign maxPrice = product.price_max | times: 1.0 -%} {% endif -%} {% comment %} convert variable compareAtPriceMin to number {% endcomment %} {% assign compareAtPriceMin = 0 -%} {% if product.compare_at_price_min -%} {% assign compareAtPriceMin = product.compare_at_price_min | times: 1.0 -%} {% endif -%} {% assign isSale = false -%} {% assign salePercent = 0 -%} {% assign saleAmount = 0 -%} {% if compareAtPriceMin > minPrice -%} {% assign isSale = true -%} {% endif -%} {% assign compareAtPriceWithFormat = '' -%} {% unless compareAtPriceMin == null or compareAtPriceMin == 0 or isSale == false -%} {% comment %} calculate salePercent base on compareAtPriceMin and minPrice {% endcomment %} {% assign compare = compareAtPriceMin | minus: minPrice | times: 100 -%} {% assign salePercent = compare | divided_by: compareAtPriceMin | ceil | append: '%' -%} {% comment %} compareAtPriceWithFormat is compare price with PriceMin and format currency {% endcomment %} {% assign compareAtPriceWithFormat = compareAtPriceMin | format_currency: money_format, showCentAsSuperscript, removePriceDecimal, decimalDelimiter, withoutTrailingZeros -%} {% assign saleAmount = compareAtPriceMin | minus: minPrice -%} {% endunless -%} {% comment %} Format price min {% endcomment %} {% assign priceMinWithFormat = minPrice | format_currency: money_format, showCentAsSuperscript, removePriceDecimal , decimalDelimiter, withoutTrailingZeros -%} {% comment %} Format price max {% endcomment %} {% assign priceMaxWithFormat = '' -%} {% if product.price_max and maxPrice > minPrice -%} {% assign priceMaxWithFormat = maxPrice | format_currency: money_format, showCentAsSuperscript, removePriceDecimal , decimalDelimiter, withoutTrailingZeros -%} {% endif -%} {% comment %} priceMax used for multi variant price display where it can have min-max price with format and translation {% endcomment %} {% assign hasMultiVariantPrice = false -%} {% if translations.productItem.amount contains "minPrice" -%} {% assign hasMultiVariantPrice = true -%} {% endif -%} {% assign isSamePrice = true -%} {% if minPrice != maxPrice or product.compare_at_price_min != product.compare_at_price_max -%} {% assign isSamePrice = false -%} {% endif -%} {% assign priceValueWithFormat = priceMinWithFormat -%} {% if isSamePrice == false and maxPrice > minPrice and hasMultiVariantPrice -%} {% assign priceValueWithFormat = "productItem.amount" | translate: translations, "" | replace: '{{minPrice}}', priceMinWithFormat | replace: '{{maxPrice}}', priceMaxWithFormat -%} {% endif -%} {% assign savingPriceWithFormat = '' -%} {% unless showSavingDisplay == false or saleAmount == 0 -%} {% assign saleAmountWithFormat = saleAmount | format_currency: money_format, showCentAsSuperscript, removePriceDecimal, decimalDelimiter, withoutTrailingZeros -%} {% assign savingPriceWithFormat = "productItem.savingAmount" | translate: translations, "Save {{saleAmount}}" | replace: '{{saleAmount}}', saleAmountWithFormat | replace: '{{salePercent}}', salePercent -%} {% endunless -%} {% comment %} Price compare display top or bottom {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Price compare display left or right {% endcomment %}
{{ priceValueWithFormat }} {% if compareAtPriceWithFormat -%} {{ compareAtPriceWithFormat }} {% endif -%} {% if savingPriceWithFormat -%} {{ savingPriceWithFormat }} {% endif -%}
{% assign swatches = '' %} {% endfor %} {% assign numberOfProductPerRow = widgetDesignSettings.numberOfProductPerRow %} {% assign numberOfRecommendProduct = widgetDesignSettings.numberOfRecommendProduct %} {% if numberOfRecommendProduct < numberOfProductPerRow %} {% assign sliderPages = 1 %} {% assign disable = "disabled" %} {% else %} {% assign sliderPages = numberOfRecommendProduct | divided_by: numberOfProductPerRow | ceil %} {% assign disable = "" %} {% endif %}
{% else %} {% assign bundleStyle = widgetDesignSettings.bundleStyle %}
{% for product in products %}
{% if product.checked %} {% endif %}
{% if product.images_info[0] %} {{ product.title | escape }} {% else %} {{ product.title | escape }} {% endif %}
{% if product.checked %}
{% endif %} {% if bundleStyle == 'style2' %}
{% if forloop.index0 == 0 %} This item: {{ product.title | escape }} {% elsif product.checked %} {{ product.title | escape }} {% else %} {{ product.title | escape }} {% endif %}
{%- if product.selectedOption.title != 'Default Title' -%}
{% endif %}
{{ product.selectedOption.price }}
{% endif %}
{% unless forloop.last %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %}
{% if bundleStyle == 'style1' %} {% for product in products %}
{% if forloop.index0 == 0 %} This item: {{ product.title | escape }} {% elsif product.checked %} {{ product.title | escape }} {% else %} {{ product.title | escape }} {% endif %}
{%- if product.selectedOption.title != 'Default Title' -%}
{% endif %} {{ product.selectedOption.price }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if hasSelectedProduct == true %}
Total price: {{ totalPrice }}
{% endif %}
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{% endif %}

{{ collection.title | escape }}

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{{ collection.body_html }}
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{% endif %}

{{ page.title | escape }}

{% capture pagesDisplayDescription %} {% endcapture %} {% if pagesDisplayDescription and page.body_html != "" %}
{{ page.body_html }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% capture pageSize %} 25 {% endcapture %} {% assign pageSize = pageSize | plus: 0 %} {% if pageSize < total_page %} {% assign totalPage = total_page | divided_by: pageSize | ceil %} {% assign pagination = request.page | pagination_list: totalPage | split: "," %} {% assign to_product = request.page | times: request.limit %}
{% if request.page != 1 %} {% endif %} {% for page_string in pagination %} {% assign page = page_string | plus: 0 %} {% if page == 0 %} {% elsif page == request.page %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if request.page != totalPage %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
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{% if request.page != 1 %} {% endif %} {% for page_string in pagination %} {% assign page = page_string | plus: 0 %} {% if page == 0 %} {% elsif page == request.page %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if request.page != totalPage %} {% endif %}
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Full Collection

All vintage artwork is guaranteed original, meticulously sourced worldwide. Use the filter below to refine your selection by size, price, color, or year and find the perfect vintage piece for your space! Explore our entire collection of unique Vintage Posters & Illustrations. Our artwork celebrates the bold, colorful art of talented artists from decades past- the "new media" of that era. All vintage artwork is guaranteed original, meticulously sourced worldwide. Use the filter below to refine your selection by size, price, color, or year and find the perfect vintage piece for your space!

Explore our entire collection of unique Vintage Posters & Illustrations. Our artwork celebrates the bold, colorful art of talented artists from decades past- the "new media" of that era. All vintage artwork is guaranteed original, meticulously sourced worldwide. Use the filter below to refine your selection by size, price, color, or year and find the perfect vintage piece for your space!